Articles by Xiomara Martinez-White
What is Debt Forgiveness?
If your debts are keeping you up at night and you’re struggling to make your minimum payments, debt forgiveness can provide some relief. Having a... read more
Navy Federal Personal Loan Review
Personal loan rating: 4.5/5 Accessibility: 3.8/5 Rates and terms: 4.8/5 Repayment experience: 5.0/5 Personal loan details APR range: [mmps name='personalloan.53.APR_from'] - [mmps name='personalloan.53.APR_to'] Loan terms:... read more
Arizona First-Time Homebuyer Programs
Arizona offers first-time homebuyers several programs that help with down payment and closing cost assistance to make buying a home a reality. To qualify, you’ll... read more
NetCredit Personal Loan Review
[personal_loan_glance lender_id='55695353' verdict='NetCredit’s terms and availability vary widely by state, but their loans are generally smaller and more expensive. Borrowers with short-term cash needs and... read more
Integra Credit Personal Loan Review
[personal_loan_glance lender_id='78046799' verdict='If you have bad credit, Integra Credit might seem like your only choice. But with APRs that can reach almost 400% and short... read more