Articles by Shannon Insler
How To Apply for Student Loans
You may find you need to apply for student loans to help cover the rising cost of college tuition. After all, about 55% of bachelor’s... read more
Student Loan Settlement: Are You Eligible to Pay Less Than You Owe?
With more than 1 in 10 student loans either delinquent or in default, many borrowers are looking at student loan settlement as a potential solution.... read more
Your Guide to Pell Grant Requirements
The government offers the Pell Grant to undergraduates with financial need to help them pay for college. The primary factor to get this grant is... read more
17 Useful Scholarships for Latino and Hispanic Students
If you're looking to reduce the cost of college, applying to scholarships is a good start. Scholarship awards, along with financial aid, can ease the... read more
Don’t Let Student Loan Identity Theft Ruin Your Life
Note that the situation for many types of debt has changed due to the impact of the coronavirus outbreak and relief efforts from the government... read more