
Miranda Marquit

Miranda Marquit has been covering personal finance, student loan, credit card and investing topics for 13 years. She has contributed to a number of media outlets, including NPR, Marketwatch, Yahoo! Finance, HuffPost, FOX Business and more. Miranda is working on her MBA.

Articles by Miranda Marquit

Form 1099-C and Student Loan Cancellation of Debt: How It Works

Student loan cancellation of debt often comes with tax consequences and a Form 1099-C. When you receive word that your student loans have been forgiven... read more

I’m the Cosigner: Can I Refinance the Loans?

You wanted to help a loved one to pay for their college education, so you decided to be a cosigner on a student loan. At... read more

Survey: 60% of LGBTQ Student Borrowers Regret Taking Out Student Loans

It’s not easy being LGBTQ. Members of the community continue to face varying levels of discrimination. But they also face more common challenges, such as... read more

Survey: Women Feel Saddled With ‘Unmanageable’ Student Loan Debt and Fears of Losing Household Income

American women feel the financial pinch at a greater rate than men, especially when it comes to managing student loan debt and preparing for retirement.... read more

Fixed vs. Variable Rate Student Loans: Which are Better?

Few students can get through school without borrowing to pay for rising tuition costs. When choosing a student loan, it’s important to understand the difference... read more

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