
Michelle Lambright Black

Michelle Lambright Black, founder of CreditWriter.com and HerCreditMatters.com, is a leading credit expert with over a decade and a half of experience in the credit industry. She’s an expert on credit reporting, credit scoring, identity theft, budgeting, and debt eradication. Michelle is also an experienced personal finance and travel writer. You can connect with Michelle on Twitter (@MichelleLBlack) and Instagram (@CreditWriter).

Articles by Michelle Lambright Black

How Much Does Business Insurance Cost?

Determining how much business insurance costs depends on several factors, including the type of insurance, the industry in which you operate, the number of employees... read more

Nearly 7 in 10 Rewards Credit Cardholders Sitting on Unused Cash Back, Points or Miles

The potential to earn travel, cash back and more are a few of the benefits that rewards credit cards may feature. With such valuable perks,... read more

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