Articles by Ben Luthi
Student Loan Interest Rates: What You Need to Know
Since you don't have to pay your student loans while you're in school or for six months after you graduate, it's easy to forget about... read more
Your Guide to Ph.D. Student Loans
If you're pursuing your Ph.D., you need to prepare to cover the costs of several more years of schooling. One way to pay for your... read more
Survey: Student Loan Borrowers Wait Longer and Pay More to Get Divorced
Going through a divorce can be complicated and expensive. The average cost ranges between $12,500 and $19,200, depending on whether there are children involved, according... read more
Survey: 43% of Credit Card Holders Have More Than $15,000 in Debt
Americans have more credit card debt than ever, with a total of $1.029 trillion in December 2017, according to the Federal Reserve. That's an average... read more
10 Cheapest Cities to Live in When You’re on a Budget
Whether you're heading to graduate school, taking a new job, or hoping to live somewhere new, it's important to take a city's cost of living... read more