Yes, you can get financing for an auto repair. Although specific auto repair financing loans are few and far between, most personal loans can be used to fund vehicle repairs.
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Auto repair financing refers to any type of loans used to pay for necessary repairs to a car or another kind of vehicle. While loans specifically meant to cover auto repair financing are few and far between, most personal loans can be used for this purpose.
Yes, you can get financing for an auto repair. Although specific auto repair financing loans are few and far between, most personal loans can be used to fund vehicle repairs.
Yes, you can get financing for an auto repair even if you have bad credit. Some lenders on our list accept applicants with lower credit scores — however, typical requirements can vary. You may want to consider our list of the best bad credit loans for more options.
It’s possible to pay for auto repairs in installments by getting a personal loan. Once you do, you’ll be able to make fixed, monthly payments on the amount that you’ve borrowed.