You might feel a little nervous when applying for your first personal loan online. Knowing what to expect could help to quell your fears and empower you to make the wisest financial decision for your situation. While the application process will vary from lender to lender, hereās a look at the general steps youāll take to apply for an online loan:
Ā Check your credit (and your budget)
Before you apply for a loan, you should check your credit score to determine which lenders may be the right fit. You should also crunch the numbers to see how a loan would affect your budget. Just one missed payment can drop your credit score by 180 points, so itās essential to only borrow what you can afford to pay back.
Use our personal loan calculator to understand how much your loan will cost, including interest.
Ā Prequalify
Prequalification can help you see whether youāre likely to be eligible for a loan before actually applying.Ā Prequalification doesnāt hurt your credit score, so itās a low-stakes way to shop around for a loan with the best terms. During this process, the lender will ask for some basic personal and financial information.
Ā Compare
Once youāve prequalified for a handful of lenders, you can compare loans. Take note of APRs, fees and other factors to choose the best offer.
Ā Apply
When youāve narrowed down your best loan offer, itās time to fill out a loan application. At this point, the lender will run a hard credit check and request documents like pay stubs and a copy of your driverās license.
Some lenders make approval decisions in just a few minutes, while others may take several days. Either way, the lender will let you know whether youāre approved for the loan and when you can expect your funds.
Ā Repay
Your first loan payment will usually be due 30 days after the lender sends you the funds. Sticking to your repayment schedule is critical for maintaining your credit score. However, if youāre having trouble keeping up with payments, contact your lender right away as they may be able to help.